Covid-19 Statement
At Fullfield FM the health and safety of our employees and customers is of upmost importance. Given the current situation with COVID-19, we are keeping fully up to date with any developments and will post regularly to reflect any announcements made by the UK Government. We are doing everything we can to mitigate risk and prioritise the health and well-being of our employees and customers.
Safe working and best practice
Please see below a guideline put together to keep you and others safe whilst you are working.
You can help prevent the spread of disease in workplaces by following the UK Government guidelines
click here to keep updated with the latest advice from the UK Government.
click here to view the NHS latest advice.
Please see below specific steps you can take to keep yourself and others safe.
- Observe and adhere to any specific site instructions displayed or communicated
- Wash hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds, and use sanitise gel if available
- Wherever possible keep your distance from other persons you come in to contact with
- Disposable gloves to be worn always
- Cough into a tissue and throw away or cough into front of elbow pit, not into your hands
- Use disposal drinking cups where possible
- Re-visit this page regularly to stay updated